Complete and Otter Nonsense

as the lore and conjecture around the origins and creation of otterly spun out of control, we decided it was necessary to set a few of things straight. for the record. and for the good of all human-kind

could I borrow a rock?

is otterly a crypto meta-verse keto NFT coin?

no. otterly is neither a coin, leg-less avatar, nor a weigh to lose weight (see what I did there?). otterly ridiculous games is a web application built to provide fun and sometimes demoralizing text adventure games that feature otters as the characters and protagonists.

was this otterly ridiculous history once?

you ask a lot of questions. yes, our original idea centered around photoshopping otters into historical situations. and we still think that's an extremely marketable idea - so don't steal it. however we decided to go the text adventure games route for absolutely no good reason whatsoever.

otterly plausible fast facts

otterly ridiculous history was conceived in a mastodon thread that got out of hand

the original idea was to photoshop otters into important moments in history

i later changed the idea to be text adventure games featuring otters as protagonists

our first game added to the site was "One Way or the Otter" a space opera adventure

the myth that otterly was almost bought out by a certain wildlife channel is absolutely not false

a typical otterly ridiculous history adventure can take weeks to fully write, design, and test

get in touch

drop us a message via our contact page. tell us how we're doing (only nice comments please - our egos are so fragile). sell us your story idea! *all sales not to exceed $0